A Step up From Free – Avira Antivirus Premium


The need for a good antivirus program is more apparent now than it has ever been. To fill this need, there are dozens of different companies producing software that is intended to be the best, working to fight off any viruses or malware that might plague a computer system. In that race, there are free virus programs and there are paid versions of the software.
For some companies, the free version often performs just as well as the premium, but it simply lacks some features. For Avira, not only does the premium version introduce features, but it also shows that it is more able to handle the threats that advanced viruses might cause a computer. As with any other antivirus software, the real key to measuring how well the program works lies with three distinct variables: price, protection and service.

With an MSRP of $29.99, Avira Antivirus Premium is on the less expensive end of antivirus software. For many critics, the value may not really be there though, because the difference between the paid and free software is largely negligible.
Avira Antivirus Premium performs exceptionally well at blocking malware, a distinct improvement over the free version of the software. On the other hand, it does not perform very well at cleaning up existing malware, and can often cause additional issues. Furthermore, Avira is behind the game when it comes to anti-phishing technology, and this feature might as well have been left out entirely because it often fails to perform at all.
One definite advantage of having the premium version of Avira is that users get access to full technical support, which they will probably need at some point. Beyond the service of Avira itself though, users must also consider the other tools and services that are included. Avira Premium does come with a secure search toolbar, which certainly can be helpful. Still, the other features are relatively light, and it can be hard to justify the cost of a paid program when similar protection can be had for absolutely no cost.
Overall Impression
At the end of the day, Avira Antivirus Premium is certainly a solid choice for protection, but it may not be the best choice out there. While it does perform very well in blocking malware, cleaning infected systems can sometimes prove to be a task too great to accomplish. Additionally, the provided toolbar may help with secure searching, but the anti-phishing technology that is included with this software is simply not up to par with competitors.
If you are looking to upgrade from a free virus program to a paid version, you may want to consider other options, but with a relatively low price Avira could definitely appeal to those on a smaller budget. The premium version definitely does perform better than the free one, but not by much, which makes it difficult to justify the cost. Unless you feel the extra $30 is worth it, stick to the free version until you are ready to find another program.



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